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Yin or Yang
2007-01-22, 12:19 p.m.

You Are More Yin












Cool. That is very much me. I prefer Fall and Winter. I prefer afternoon. I *love* honey. I like the Moon. Neat.

Plowed through books this weekend. It was nice. I am reading Tess Gerritsen - she was recommended to me from one of my local bookstore friends - and turns out I really like her. I read "Vanish" in less then 24 hours, and I am now half way through "Gravity". It's getting goooood. I love reading. I wish I had more time to do it. Just sit around and read. I wish I were an editor, not a sr. editor, but one of the editor's that really gets to read through the novels that come in. That would be *great*. A job I would *love*. I wonder how one even moves in that direction?

Sleeping in the king bed has been great. I love it. Best purchase ever!!

One of my fur babies is being a very bad boy. Chip (my love - he's my baby) is being a little shit. Every time I turn around I catch him with his little butt in the air, doing it's pre-pounce wiggle, and away he goes. He has attached both the other kitties (Benny deserves it - he's about a year and a half now, and in full "teenaged" mode, but poor Hermione, she's a little mouse and deserves nothing!), and he attacks the dog. I watch Earl try to walk to his bed, and oh my, he has a cat hanging from his face...I don't get what has sparked his recent agression - it's weird and uncalled for. He's also really demanding when it comes to affection. He is climbing all over me, and he really agressive when he rubs up against me, he's "taking" his love, for lack of another way to put it. Maybe he's picking up on my hormonal changes, and is getting nasty about it - I know my other cat got weird on my when I was expecting Babybear. Maybe he's just jealous. Whatever it is, he's just being MEAN.

Finally got Babybear back to karate. He's been bugging me for months now. He was so happy, and he did such a great job. His little push ups, and sit ups, and his little kicks. I miss karate sooo much. It cheeses me that I worked really hard, and just flew through to my green belt, and then I've hardly been back (work obligations - never out of office in time to go). Sensi has suggested I return along wit Babybear, and they will provide me with a modified program. I think I will - it'll be good for me to work on stretching, etc. Plus I'll sleep better.

Speaking of sleep, I am so tired right now. I need to go for a walk to wake up!

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