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Babybear's Bad Day
2007-01-23, 10:18 a.m.

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Stolen from forty-plus. That's funny stuff. It's even more comical if you knew who I voted for here in Canada ;)

I read rumblings about yesterday being an sad day/awful day. You know, it was one of the worst days I think Babybear has ever had.

He has this annoying habit of rolling all his pant legs and sleeves up, so it's like he's in shorts or short sleeves. He does this with his pj's Sunday night, and when he woke up yesterday morning, the elastic band fron his ankles had dug into his thighs so badly he had trenches, which turned to giant welts as soon as pj pants were off and the blood returned to the area. It hurt him. A lot. So he's trying to get his jeans on, and pulling them up over the welted area hurts, so he's contorting himself in the funniest ways trying to get the pants on without a) touching the welts, and b) undoing the button or zipper. This was comical - it really was. I didn't laugh out right, just a little giggle watching him writhe on the floor instead of, you know, undoing a button. Well he heard the giggle. And then the tears came, and he was so upset cause his bum/top of thighs hurt, and now I had hurt his feelings. So we get over that hump, and head downstairs for breakfast, etc. Hubby goes down first, I follow, carrying a few items for the day, Babybear is coming behind us. There's a big thud, and I turn around, and there's Babybear in a heap on the landing, somewhat contorted, and the tears are already flowing. I hustle back up and ask what happened. "I fell down the stairs" is all I could get between the chocked sobs. Never did discern whether he tripped, or his leg gave out or what happened. I carry him the rest of the way down, and have a snuggle on the couch, and calm down. I go make his breakfast - toast with peanut butter - and had him his plate, and he heads toward the table just as Hubby and dog are coming in from their walk. Dog is ALWAYS frisky after his walk, and kitty Benny is right in his line of vision near the kitchen. Earl launches after Benny, who turns and runs, and the flying dog/cat rocket riccochets through the kitchen...right across Babybear's path. This results in peanut buttery toastiness on the floor. Again - tears. I get him seated, make him more toast, and things seem to take an upward swing. We pack up, head out the door - get Babyebar into class - things seem grand.

At 11:00am we go back to pick him up. More tears. We forgot his library book this morning, so he had to sit in the library and couldn't take out any books, while his classmates got to choose theirs (Babybear is a big reader - huge - we spend at least $100/month on books in our house, and he reads at least 3 every night before bed, if not more - not being able to take a book out is a big thing for him, and frankly, that's one area I'll not try to correct him for being sulky over). We do encourage him to take care of his own bag, but in the hassel this morning I packed it for him and forgot his book. He was sad. Then a kid in his class punched him in the stomach. We get him to the sitter's house, and he gets there just beside himself, tells Sitter what a really bad day he is having, and kinda crashes on the couch. I head back to work, and see him again at days end, and I walk through the door, and make a joke with Sitter's youngest daughter (who teases Babybear - lots) about Babybear's crustiness, which immediately sends him into tears again. This is my bad - I know he's touchy already, and I poked the bear. He ends up in the kitchen locking himself in Sitter's broom closet cause "Mommy and Youngest Daugher are bugging me!" I get him outside - he picks up a snowball and tosses it at me and seems to be better.

We head home, grab my Sis, and head out for dinner (Hubby worked last night). Sis is a little grumpy, Babybear is grumpy - this makes for a lot of unpleasantness. The two just get under each others skin like nothing I have ever seen before. She kept bitching at him, and Ikept telling her to back off, thenhe starts kicking her under the table (intentionally) and I am having to play referee. We finish and leave, and Babybear wants to go to karate again. So we head there. He's on the dojo floor, doing well, and they get into doing tricep dips. He had a hard time with this, and ends up falling down. More tears, cause he's embarrassed. He ends up having a good time in the end, we head home, get him in the shower and washed up, and he says "Mom, I am really tired. Can I go to bed now?" Of course, I say. We have a quick snack before heading to the bed, and he says "Can I sleep in your room?" I am a sucker for snuggling with my kid. I love it, and I hate that the time is coming where we soon won't snuggle together, so I tell him of course he can. "Will you come to bed now too?" Yep, I say. And we snuggled into the king bed together, and huddled up, making a mockery of the space around us.

Added to that, Hubby started to come down with something last night. Due to my germophobia - he decided he would sleep in Babybear's room, as to not share with us - he's sweet :) Poor guy.

Hopefully today is better day for everyone!

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