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Dragons and X-Files
2007-01-25, 12:31 p.m.

You scored as Dragon. You are the Dragon. You store a lot of knowledge about everything. You are generally one who is good with personal growth and can regenerate yourself after a bad experience.





























Which animal totem best suits you?
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Once again - thanks to forty-plus.

Teehee, I'm a dragon. That's cool. But just about all the animals in this are cool in some way or another. Imagine finding out you're a "Sow", or a "Vulture"? Ick.

Do. Not. Eat. The. Dip. Folks, the dip is bad, Babybear and I can attest. We ate "The Dip" Tuesday evening while laughing at the hilarity that is American Idol auditions. Babybear is so funny, and he's quite accurate in who is, or is not, going to Hollywood. But anyways, the partaking of "The Dip". It's one of those harmless looking dips - made with cream cheese, whipped up with so taco type seasoning, then with a layer of tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and shredded cheese. The real tempting and yummy kind. The evil kind. Everything seemed fine. Once Idol was over, babybear and I headed to bed. He bunked in with me again cause Hubby was still feeling under the weather, and mentioned he would take Babybear's bed again, allowing the rest of us to sleep well (he really is thoughtful at times). Good thing. It started around 1am with the toxic fumes. TMI, I know, but seriously, the dog and cats were offended by our foulness. By 3:30am it was off to washroom. By 3:45am Babybear was tossing his poor little cookies everywhere. He needed a bucket to be sick in while he was sitting on the toilet, my poor little kiddo. Sadly, I had to leave him, and thank the heavens for the new house - the old house only had one washroom - this would have been an issue. I was back and forth between Babybear and downstairs. It was EVIL. Just wrong. Hubby awoke at 7:30am, hearing the noises, and was like "When is this morning sickness stuff gonna end?!?!"

i assured him this was not pregnancy related, as Babybear most definitely is not pregnant. Oh it was awful. Needless to say Babybear and I stayed home together yesterday and wallowed in our illness. Ugh.

Things are much better today. But I must stress, do not eat "The Dip"! In between fits, while laying on the bed in pain, Babybear says to me "I must be allergic, I must be allergic!" I assured him he wasn't. Ugh.

Busy night tonight - dentist for Babybear, swimming lessons, then karate, then home sweet home. It's good tv night - yay!

Saw my massage therapist/accupuncturist this morning - we've had to make the change into the big cushion (fer pregnant folk). It was great and comfy, but not the easiest to get into. I can see *that* becoming a source of great enterainment in the months to come. Desperately needed him though - I clench my teeth when stressed, and the past two weeks have been off the chart - I've had a perma headache for 6 days - the kind that hurts your teeth, and makes your eyes water. I broke down and took tylenol twice. I try not to take it, you know, baby, etc. But wow I was in some pain. New bed and now the massage appointment and accupuncture helped tremendously.

Oh, and the weird dreams have started!! I remember having funky dreams with preggo with Babybear, but last nights takes the cake!!

I am an X-phile. Love the X-Files, miss them terribly, and I still long to find a show to fill my X shaped hole. There was this one episode, it aired in 99, season six, episode 6, called "Terms of Endearment" It about this demon, Wayne, who desperately wants to have a normal baby, but each woman he impregnants (dealing with two in the episode, his nice wife, and the other wife, Betsy). A ultrasound shows abnormal growth on nice wife's baby (boney growths on head, something like a tail on spine). Wayne is upset. Nice wife has a bad dream that night that a demon comes and takes her baby, and wakes up to find herself covered in blood, and baby gone. Scully thinks wife did it, Mulder thinks Wayne is to blame. Mulder follows Wayne, and learns about other wife, Besty. Betsy is also pregnant, has an ultrasound which also shows the above mentioned abnormalities. Wayne, again is upset, that night, Betsy has the same dream, except instead of the demon taking her baby, she sits up grabs the demon by the throat (it turns out to be Wayne) and she says "What are you doing, Wayne? I said, what are you doing?" Wayne is shocked. Next thing, Mulder and Scully find Betsy running away, bleeding, claiming Wayne took her baby. They get to the house to find Wayne digging in the backyard. He is shot before he can explain anything, as cops think he is burying Betsy's baby. Turns out, Wayne, the demon who wanted nothing more then a normal baby, is digging up all the normal babies Betsy has aborted and buried there. See...Betsy was far worse then Wayne...all she wanted was a demon baby!!! AND, with Wayne's help, that's exactly what she got. AT the end of the episode, you see her driving away in her car with her little demon spawn beside her.

I totally had this dream, and I ended up having my baby, and it was a demon! And as I jolted awake all I could hear echoing through my mind was "I said, What are you doing, Wayne?!?" It was soooo creepy. And my baby was scary. Scaly skin, claws, pointed little teeth, demon eyes...*shudder*

And the funny part is, I haven't watched an X-Files in a long time, a good four months. And that was like, season 2 stuff. Nothing that would jog that memory except being pregnant.

But now that I am thinkg about it, I think I'll go home, and watch season 4, episode 20 - Small Potatoes. Bizarre pregnancies, babies with tails - but it's one of the funniest episodes around!!

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