
The Diary
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2004-11-10, 2:10 a.m.

Holy Hannah. Templates are kinda fun.

I have no HTML experience. None. I feel like an ass. But I am trying to learn where things go, how they come together, etc. I tend to learn best by doing. Learn as I go. The recommended web page I had checked out for some help with HTML had suggested that as I am figuring things, as I come across pages I like, take a look at the source, and that will help me figure out how to make things happen.

So, please be patient with me. I have pretty much �borrowed� everything to make the template you currently see. I claim nothing as my own. I have been checking out the source code for some of the diary�s I read and enjoy, so some of you, like radiogurl, forty-plus, fuzzmom, and skibigsky, are gonna notice a few things that look familiar. I�m not stealing anything, honest, but I didn�t know how to set up tables, and by checking out and copying some of the source code, I was able to figure out how you nest tables, create borders, change colours, etc. I promise I am working to make my template my own. In this case, please believe that any imitation is the utmost flattery, and simply there because I really like something you used, and I am trying to learn how to come up with a similar effect.

But, I have spent over 3 hours now playing with this, accomplishing nothing else. It�s getting late, and I really need to get to bed. I feel a bit better, because now my diary looks a little more like my own (even though a lot of it is borrowed,) and I *am* learning where to place tags, how to change colours, add images, links, etc. So hopefully I�ll have something nice to pull out of my hat soon.


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