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Overdue Update
2005-11-20, 11:46 a.m.

Yes, I am still alive....

Just a little lazy. I've been super busy the past few months, so very much going on. We've acquired a new property at work, and I've made a move into drafting many of our proposals and offerings, which has kept me quite busy!

On the homefront, Babybear had pneumonia, which was no fun at all, but he's feeling a little better now :)

You may recall my past post about the man in my life. My Radio Boy was kind enough to ask Babybear and I if we would allow him to join our family on a permanent basis. Babybear and I thought this to be an excellent idea, and as such we are now set to be married on Sep 22, 2006!! We've been trying to get things in gear for that, which is taking up a lot of time. Won't be fancy, but will certainly be a great party!!

Other then that, what have I been up to lately?? Hmmmm, I saw one of the best U2 concerts I've had the privilege to witness. I had a terrific 27th Birthday. It rocked my socks. Radio Boy was very good to me. Babybear made me the most beautiful present.

And now for a few pics:

Babybear aspires to be a rock star - Radio Boy says we should fashion him after The Edge, I say he's far to charismatic, and pure Bono material!

I was chosen to represent our company at a Black Tie Charity Gala (we donated lots of good trips for the silent auctions, etc). Babybear actually found this dress for me (the kid has an incredible sense of style!) and gave me a snuggle before I left for the event:

It was just too much fun. Radio Boy looked hot in his tux. We're still waiting for those pics to come back - as soon as I get one I'll post, then you can all see him in his finery!!

I have some work to do, so I should be off. Before I go though, I have to comment on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Omigawd, Best Harry Potter EVER!!! Really, it was FANTASIC!! I can't wait to go see it again!!!

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