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2004-11-05, 4:41 p.m.

Here I go 2 months without updating, and today I *know* there is going to be 2 entries. I can just feel it.

Things that are really beginning to piss me off:

1. My cats. I love them. I do. But lately they have been acting like dingbats. First I must question how it is that I have 3. I'm not a crazy cat lady. I am a sucker. Seriously. The Baby (who happens to be named Hermione...I know, we're lame) came into my possession as I swore up and down I didn't want/need anything else fuzzy in my home....then they opened the stall door, and there lay a big ball of about 5 different fuzzies....and all I could see was her little 9 day old bum sticking out from amongst the tangle of paws, tails and mid sentence it switched: �Really, I already have 2 cats, 4 fish and 3 hams��.THIS ONE�.right here, see it�s bum. This one is mine�.I�ll be back to get her in 7 weeks.� I love her�.but holy Hannah. You see, she is approx. 6 months old right now�.and for cats, that�s roughly their �terrible twos�. This morning I awoke to find her hanging off my wall. I am guessing she was attempting to reach the window sill, fell short and dug her claws into my wall�.and hung there. Not great for property value, you know? And she now relentlessly chases �The Boys�. The Boys: being Mel, the love of my life, an 8 yr old long haired beauty, and Chip, my 3 yr old Halloween cat (he is pure black, with amber eyes, he�s incredible!). Mel truly is the king of the house, but Hermione just doesn�t seem to �get it.� Chip plays with her; they make a great pair, really. But Mel is at an age where he kinda just wants to laze around in all his glory and not be disturbed. But she just keeps chasing him, which brings me to the whole damn point of my cats pissing me off. Dinner last night: we are having a nice meal, Babybear tells me all about his first day at school�then cups, dishes and food going flying as a barrage of hair goes flying over the table. Hermione had chased Mel down the stairs, and in momentum they ended up coming up onto a chair, over table and down the other side. This is bad for many reasons�but the foremost being that in my household, under no circumstances is it ever acceptable for an animal to be on a table or on a counter. I know where their feets and bums have been. Typically, Mel and Chip, valuing their lives, know better. I hope she picks it up soon. Then this morning, we are heading downstairs to leave for the day. Cat�s are playing and fighting�.as we head down the stairs, a barrage of cats fly down as well. Mel slams head first into my shin, which really hurt, causing me to almost fall, causing Babybear to almost fall. I hurt something straining to remain standing. I uttered a few well chosen words, cats look at me like �who, me?� and Babybear reminds me that we don�t say that, it�s not nice.
But then, how do you stay mad at this:

2. J.K. Rowling. If I do not get some fresh HP soon�..I think I might just�.uh�.well, I might just complain a lot. Not to mention. I really want them to hurry up at Warner Bros with Goblet of Fire. New Lucius, *drool*, I cannot wait. But really. I want me some Half Blood Prince, dammit. And I want it now. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

3. Coworkers who repeatedly ignore your requests for items/information (I received a read receipt yesterday on a request I made to a certain coworker�.too bad I sent the request to him in MARCH!! ) but then have the balls to demand something from you at the very last minute and expect it yesterday. It illustrates an utter lack of respect for my time, not to mention for me. It drives me, it does.

4. The snow. I know many out there love the snow. And I do too. I really do. But today has just been a bad day, and my sore back and shin (see item #1.) did not have me in the mood to scrape snow and ice off my car this morning. Then it got to be near blizzard conditions at one point this morning�.looking out my window I felt like I was in a snow globe, it was those really big flakes�.but anyways, I just wasn�t ready for it today.

5. My oven. I am not referring to the range in my kitchen. My *personal* over is about to engage it�s monthly self cleaning cycle�.and it hurts. Normally it�s not bad�.but this month, it�s not even here yet, and already my lower back feels like a sledge hammer slammed into it. (Not to mention the added pain from pulling of something�again, item #1)

Alrighty then. I think that was a sufficient bitch session. I feel somewhat alleviated. I think I will try to go back to work now. Will most likely post again tonight at home. Purchased my Supa Gold membership, and I am very excited about trying to do a template. I have no idea how to do that. But I will figure it out. At least I got the comments added and did it so they show up in a popup window!!


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