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Almost Home!!
2007-01-12, 12:33 p.m.

I cannot wait to get home.

I know I shouldn't complain - great job, get to travel to the Caribbean, etc, so no one wants to hear me bitch. But OMIGAWD I miss Babybear.

It's been ten days since I've gotten to snuggle, huggle, tickle, poke, tease, or just plain look upon my little man. It makes me nuts. I mean, damn, I *love* my kid. You Mom's of older kids are gonna have to hold my hand over the next 15 years...I don't know how you manage girlfriends, and going away to school, etc. I hate the idea, and I hate it even more that I'll have to be happy/proud/supportive of it too. Like when I took him to daycare. At first he cried when I would leave him, and it broke my heart to leave. Then he didn't cry anymore. THAT ripped my hear to shreds, though I had to be all happy and proud that we (meaning he) had adjusted, and we (again meaning he) had an appropriate and happy attachment to one another. Now I'm lucky if I can get my morning sugar from him (my kiss and hug) before he's off an running. Once again demonstrating our (meaning his) healthy attachment. It's still all about me when he's sick, or tired, or sad, or hurt.

My parents give me a hard time when I travel. My Dad tells me not to call. Babybear is fine. I know that. I know he's fine, and he copes wonderfully when I am away. It's me who is all mopey and sad. This time when I've called I've been abandoned for Earl on night, Chip another, and then a piece of pizza on another. Or last night: "Can I go? My arm is tired of holding the phone." After a mere 30 seconds of conversation.

But that's okay. He'll be with my Sis picking me up at the airport tomorrow, and he'll be all hugs and kisses and he'll make me cry with happiness, and then he'll insist on holding my hand in the car the whole way home.

I can't wait :)

And of course I miss my Hubby, my Sis and my fur babies. Fortunately my nausea has offically passed, and i can go back to loving my cats (couldn't handle the hair - made me puke) and the dog (man, he smelled BAD - made me puke).

But now I have entered the "I can't sleep" phase. I can feel Baby moving around now, and I'm offically pregnant enough that I can't sleep on my right side any more (damn liver *has* to be on the right) and I need three pillows to help keep me propped and comfy. I might fall asleep between 12am and 1am (I try for bed at 10...just can't sleep) and I am awake around 6am. It's certainly a nice change to sleeping 20 hours a day as I was doing on Sundays, the only day off. But still - I hate 6am. It's just not right for me to be up that early. *shudder*

Anyways, I am still trying to read around and catch up on what's been happening to the Diaryland folk. Cheers for now!!

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