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Don't sweat the small stuff
2004-02-02, 10:30 p.m.

Whoever wrote "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff At Work" must be very good friends with their pharmacist....

I mean really, I seem to be the only technologically adept individual in my office, the stupidest things, they come flocking to me for assistance. Today: Anti virus live update expired on someones computer....Can you please make it work it again?? Uh, yeah, I say, pay for the renewal, enter the info, just like the screen asks for. Nope, no one else could possibly enter credit card info and renew the subscription. Computer in question: a pentium one. So while I sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting for it to process, I pick up a book that was sitting on this gentleman's desk (gentleman just happens to be president and CEO of our company) "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff At Work" I flip through it, and come to a chapter about not taking incompetence personally. Some people are just incompentent, and that's all there is to it. Accept it. Don't take it personally. Move on....

And thus begins one of the most hellsih days I have ever lived. I mean seriously, made Dantes Inferno sound like someone's happy family vacation memoir. And my bane: other people's incompetence. I get stuck spending an entire day working on something that should have taken 2 minutes. Open the rate guide, look up the date, quote me the rate. Could people do this?? When it's the main function of their position. Of course not.

But whatever.

In other news, my 2 yr was very sick all weekend. He got up at 5 am yesterday morning. Did not sleep all day. Was up until 2am last night. Finally, after two hours I let him come down from bed to snuggle with me and watch Survivor All Star. He's watching it, and saying "Look Mommy, look sun! Look, sand! Wanna go beach, Mommy." SO I tell him we'll go to the beach one day. He gets up off hte chair saying "Yeah! Let's go Mommy, let's go." I exlain we can't go yet, we have ot wait until summer. He gives me a funny look, I tell him we have to wait for the snow to stop. He climbs back upin the chair without much fuss over his beach disappointment, watches tv for a few more minutes, turns, looks outt he window, holds his hand up and say "Stop snow." Goes back to watching tv. A few mintues later, he again tells the snow to stop. It was so cute. However, getting him out of bed this morning was not so cute. He is a late sleeper. Even with going to bed at 8:30pm, he still fights getting up at 8:15am the next morning. I get yelled at, told to get out, to leave him alone, he was sleeping. Then he got all puppy dog like on me "Wanna stay your bed Mommy, tome snuggles me" But we had a good evening tonight. Went to the book store and each of us got a new book (it's a weekly ritual). His was about dinosaurs. We came home and had supper. Read his new book, then read old books. Played with his cars. Had some good snuggle time.

Funny, a few great hours spent with him makes it seem like the whole day was fantastic. He's so awesome :D

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